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Unhealthy Relationships (Know Your Role) Part 3 of 3

Fantasia and her husband of 4 yrs. (Kendall Taylor) clear up a few things about her on air interview with, 'The Breakfast Club." Now if you have read the 1st & 2nd parts to this, 'Unhealthy Relationships' series then you know that i have covered a lot of issues within relationships and this post is exactly about what Fantasia and her spouse talked about in this video.

You see, if I can be real for a second, many men are online saying that no one or black women will ever be submissive to a man. This is bullshit and let me break down why.....A man must have certain qualities already before he enters a relationship with a mature woman. If he always has to get others advice or opinions before making a move and his female sees and knows this about her man then she will never let him lead her because he has to be led his damn self.

Another example for the men out there that may grasp this a little slow. If you are with a mature female that is college educated and you are not, please understand that we will be submissive to you if you have leadership qualities. But have there been times where you lied and cheated....hahaha, she already knew and because you are still playing little boy games you cannot expect this woman to allow you to lead her, lead her where to lying and cheating like you? But, if you always are asking us what to buy from the store, what to cook for the kids, looking for guidance from us then you are allowing yourself to be seen as needy and most of us educated women will simply take the lead role because we clearly can not be led by a man that asks us about every move he has to make instead of being the head of the family he is allowing himself to become the submissive one.

Now, lets be clear most of us females do not think it is sexy for a man to always have to ask us about everything, because if you knew your role as a husband then you know that women will follow a man that knows what the fuck he is talking about and he has done his own research and not asked his friends, cousins or siblings about any move he is about to make especially when it comes to his family. We would never follow a man that does not know what the hell is going on in the world, politics, the stock market, in the educational system, in the community or within the church because he is not knowledgeable about enough to sufficiently educate his family. Now on the other hand, alot of you guys that say females will not be submissive, I employ a question to you,"What is the average interest in the housing market? Who is the superintendent in you kids school system? Who is the secretary of State? What are the top 3 industries is the STOCK market with the least amount of volatility? What were your last 2 investments? Have you set a budget for your household? What are the last 3 books that you have read? What was the last seminar you attended about and what was it about? Who is the vice principal at your kids school? What are you goals for your family for the next 5 years? What are your business goals for the next 7 years? If you cannot answer most of these questions, you should not question why your woman is the head of your family and not you.

Like seriously, we must all know and understand our role within relationships, and remember guys, that a mature and educated women will be submissive to you if you have done what you need to do as a man and show her that you can do more than just pay bills, but that you aware of what the hell is going on in the world and that you are involved, active and committed to leading, educating and protecting your family.

Females, you must allow a man that has proven to you that he is a leader to lead you. Allow them open doors, pay the tab, pay the bills, fix things that are broken, allow him to make important decisions without dismissing him. (If, what he is saying makes sense and not just something that sounds good to him). We as women become so strong because we have to but when that one guy comes along that is different than the rest and that possess that leadership quality, we must step back and become submissive and allow him to take the load because that is what men do. Little boys need guidance and they do not know anything about the world, or business but honey a real men will blow your freaking mind with his knowledge and insight because he continues to evolve, he continues to grow, he continues to learn, he continues to find a way to make shit happen without complaining and being a victim, Because he is 100% all man that deserves to be submitted to. That's some grown and sexy shit!

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